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How to Apply!

Staff Application Format


Thank you for expressing your interest in becoming a part of our staff team!​

The role of a staff member is crucial for the smooth operation of our server, and we have certain expectations to ensure its success. We require our staff to be aged at least 16+ and be active (at least 7 hours per week), approachable, and professional. Additionally, there are some essential requirements to meet these include answering the following questions within your application:​
  1. What is your Minecraft In-Game Name?
  2. What is your discord username?
  3. Does your discord account have 2FA Enabled?
  4. How old are you?
  5. Do you have access to a microphone to communicate on Discord via voice chat?
  6. Tell us a bit about yourself
  7. What experiences have you had which could help you as staff?
  8. Please explain what you believe the role of a staff member is.
  9. Why do you want to become staff?
  10. Do you have any previous experience as a staff member on a Minecraft server? If so please briefly outline what role you undertook and the responsibilities that entailed?
Please post your application in a new thread with the title being your username in the dedicated forum here

What happens if I am accepted?​

Should you be accepted, you will join our staff team as a Helper and will be paired with an experienced member of our staff team, who will serve as your mentor.​
Your mentor will guide you through a training period, this will be conducted with examples and a training call in which mentors will explain the various processes and they will be with you through every step of the way, to provide ongoing assistance with managing punishments, addressing questions, and offering feedback.​
We embrace a culture of understanding, recognizing that mistakes, especially for newcomers, are a part of the learning process​
After a period of four weeks, we will assess your performance to determine whether you have demonstrated sufficient proficiency to be promoted to the Moderator role or if, in rare cases, a departure from the team is necessary (something we have not had to enforce before).​
This mentoring system is designed to provide numerous opportunities and guidance.​
As your time with us progresses, you will have the change to join our various teams, such as our events department or even take on a mentoring role yourself, or contribute further with suggestions.​
In case you encounter any issues or have questions, a variety of channels are readily available for discussions with fellow staff members and members of management and my DM's will always be open​

Best of luck to all applicants